Friday, June 20, 2008

Fyrinnae Endangered is here!!!!

Ok, quick and dirty is what I ordered from the new Fyrinnae Endangered Collection. Not a disappointing color in the bunch, not that there usually is. Im so glad these came before I leave tomorrow!!!! I am pretty sure that the guys at Fyrinnae have a deal with the Post Office...these shipped on Wednesday and arrived here today, from 2000+ miles away! I really look forward to doing some FOTD's with these when I get back.



Javan Rhino and Bali Mynah look the same but they definitely arent!!! Yes, you need both ;)Im really glad I got Orca because its way prettier than I thought it would be.



Tapir is also way prettier than I thought it would be, its very velvety smooth.

A close-up of Monarch Butterfly because its so pretty!

And I ordered these in addition because I didnt have them yet, surprisingly! Oberon is way more purple and sparkly IRL. One Night In Belfast is 10 times prettier than the swatches on!

Since these are smaller and harder to read: AM Archmage, One Night In Belfast, Oberon, AM Conjuror


1 comment:

Katrina said...

I had to come back and drool again. Those are so gorgeous. I didn't think One Knight In Belfast was going to be so pretty, I'm definitely adding that one to my list. And I'm going to get practically all of those Endangered ones.